June 26, 2024
Music Industry

How To Promote EDM Music

Music promotion is quintessential in making or breaking your music career. Whether you're promoting Jazz or Heavy Metal, music promotion is an invaluable tool that connects you with your fans and potential big-wigs in the music industry. Not sure where to start? We’re here to help.

Why is Promoting My EDM Music Important?

There are many reasons why EDM music promotion is important. Perhaps the most important reason is that promotion can help an artist to reach a larger audience. Additionally, promotion can create a buzz around an artist or band, which can lead to increased sales of their music. Finally, promotion can help an artist to build a stronger brand and identity, which can be extremely valuable in the long run.

How Do I Promote EDM Music?

Now that you've put your heart and soul into producing music, it's time to make a name for yourself. Follow this simple guide to promoting EDM music for helpful hints on different ways of getting your tunes heard. Here you'll find useful advice on some of the strategies you can use for promoting your tracks.


Building a network of contacts can be helpful for music promotion because it can give you access to a larger audience and allow you to get your music in front of more people. It can also help you connect with other industry professionals who can offer advice and guidance.

Most people neglect to build a contacts list, thinking most of the other work they put in will be good enough, but networking can be invaluable. Prepare your emailing list, make friends with bigshots working in the music industry, and gain their interest. Building relationships helps in every aspect of someone’s life, and with music promotion, it only serves to benefit; whether you’re reaching out to fellow artists for collaboration or to popular music moguls, you need to be prepared to put yourself out there.

Take Streaming Services By Storm

By allowing users to easily discover and listen to new music, music streaming services help promote music and expose listeners to new artists. In addition, these services often feature curated playlists and recommendations, which can further help users find new music they enjoy. When people find new music they like, they are more likely to share it with their friends.

Streaming services are a must-utilize tool and come with their own set of professionals who know how to curate and work the algorithms to make you easier to discover. Take GetPlaylisted, for example, which helps your songs hit high-listener playlists and in turn, generates a larger audience for your music.

Put your tracks on Spotify, Soundcloud, Youtube and Apple Music; wherever there is music, there are listeners.

Physical Labour Will Get You Far

The footwork involved in music promotion is just as crucial as all the seemingly effortless online work. You need to put the time and effort into making your presence known, especially if you're just starting out in your hometown.

Go to Clubs, give them copies of your sound and see if they like it. Perform the gigs at your friend's party and use it as an opportunity to expose friends and strangers to your music.

After all, if people like what you produce, they will talk and spread the word about this killer new artist that spun some absolutely unforgettable tracks at a house party they went to.

Create an Engaging Online Presence

The following are the three main reasons why creating an engaging online presence matters.

1. It helps you reach a larger audience

An engaging online presence is important because it helps you reach a larger audience. With an online presence, you can reach people from all over the world, which you would not be able to do on such a broad level if you were only trying to promote your music physically in your hometown.

2. It allows you to connect with your fanbase on a personal level

Another reason is the connection you build with your fans. While some artists have made it big on being relentlessly anti-social to their fans, that's not the case with everyone. Sorry introverts, but it's time to level up. Start using Livestream features, take questions, and do live sets from your bedroom that only your fans can access. TikTok EDM artists lasted the entirety of COVID by turning fans' lounges into their own personal EDM concerts, but nothing says it has to stop. When you engage with your fans, you instill a sense of personal connection, which matters.

3. Music Industry Professionals often scope for new talent online

Broadening your audience can mean you land up blasting through the speakers of an Industry Professionals' phone speakers. Algorithms are funny like that, but it also helps that music companies invest time in social media because it's an untapped talent network. So by creating an engaging online presence, you hint at your engaging stage presence, which is something Professionals look for alongside finger-tapping tunes.

Smart Links

Smart links are like virtual business cards for musicians, a single hub that houses all the necessary information about their music and sound. It allows fans, as well as potential music industry professionals, to access everything they need to know in one convenient place.

Smart links are an invaluable asset when it comes to promoting your musical career. It serves as an essential hub of information, directing people toward streaming platforms, social media accounts, personal websites and electronic press kits. Smart link services also provide musicians with the ability to monitor their fan base and uncover demographic insights that can be used to better target potential listeners.

Linktree is commonly used amongst the TikTok community, and if you've followed our advice on creating an engaging social media presence, you should have no problem generating clicks to your smart link, whichever service you choose.


This is just a handful of guidance to put you on the right track to promoting your EDM Music. Be sure to set aside a budget. Hiring music promotion services like GetPlaylisted can be invaluable and saves you some of the nitty-gritty efforts into kickstarting your career so you can sit back and focus more on what matters; Your Music.