June 26, 2024
Music Industry

3 Things That Will Ruin Your Spotify Presence

Success for your tracks on Spotify translates to exposure and money. By giving Spotify the correct signals, customized playlists may achieve significant audience growth.

But taking the wrong actions can actually end up hurting your Spotify presence instead of helping. Keep reading for the top three things we suggest to avoid that can ruin your Spotify presence.

Why Is Spotify Essential For Your Music?

It might be fatal to your musical profession if you perform poorly on Spotify or have your songs completely removed because Spotify has become one of the most significant forces in music.

This specific streaming platform has taken the place of:

  1. phonograph shops
  2. Mixtapes on the radio
  3. PR-driven research

Spotify set the bar for usability and contextual sharing by combining all of these methods of usage and discovery onto a single platform.

More than 35 million songs are available on Spotify, meaning nearly all musical tastes are catered to. Spotify has revolutionized the music business as we know it by offering one of the most extensive music archives available and a free version of the service.

Spotify essentially directs consumers to the material they desire, from charts that identify the most listened songs by nation or globally to Discover Weekly playlists, which provide each user with a weekly mix of songs based on their musical preferences.

What should you do then? The obvious answer is things geared toward drawing the correct audiences to your music. However, there are several activities on Spotify that you should strongly avoid performing if you want to keep your music presence secure.

3 Things That Will Ruin Your Spotify Presence

Paid Performances or Placements

Do not use click farms, bots, or pay-to-win systems. Avoid using any service that "guarantees" playlist placements or stream counts. Ineffective playlists won't do your music any good. Additionally, since such broadcasts are monetized, fraudulent listens constitute fraud.

To combat bots, Spotify has rules in place. It is against the law, and they have the right to take your entire library or a record label's entire catalog off their service if they find you using them. Spotify staff absolutely dislikes bots. Every month, they fight and remove millions of bots, but it's a losing battle since the bots modify their behavior to appear more like regular users.

Bots and phony streams destroy your chances of being featured in Spotify's highly sought-after algorithmic playlists. Since your streams don't originate from actual people, there isn't any genuine human interaction or behavior to suggest the music is good, thus, it is excluded.

Instead, use services like GetPlaylisted, which pitch your music to hundreds of organic playlists to ensure you stand out from the rest of the crowd on Spotify.

Doing Follow for Follow

Follow for follow is ineffective. You won't get any faithful followers from it, and your algorithm will eventually break. When it comes to identifying and even forecasting a user's musical preferences and recommending musicians they'll enjoy, Spotify excels.

By playing with the algorithm, you risk losing future revenue. Yes, for a brief period, you could receive ten or so plays per day from this playlist, but if it's a lousy playlist with uninterested listeners, you could lose potential revenue by receiving a low algorithmic score.

Beyond the algorithmic problem, it is also a waste of time. If your track doesn't match the playlist, it will be a waste of time for you and the curator.

Sending Junk Traffic

Increasing your stats by sending many unqualified visitors to your Spotify music may seem like a good idea, but you should prefer high-quality streams over low-quality ones.

You may receive cheaper but less committed listenership this way. For example, if you direct 20,000 people in a developing market directly from a Facebook ad to Spotify without requiring them to do any more steps, you can get more traffic, but they won’t be quality listeners. It is preferable to have 2,000 equally enthusiastic listeners than 20,000 uninterested ones.

Are people coming to Spotify for your music or the reward if you conduct a stream-to-unlock competition with a random lottery for a $100 Amazon Gift Card? Stream-to-unlock campaigns are fantastic, but they won't work if your incentive doesn't align with your objectives.

In any case, you run the danger of teaching Spotify the wrong lesson—that visitors come to your profile and then happily depart.

Other Things That Might Affect Your Spotify Presence

Your Music Releases Are Not Regular

You can no longer vanish, at least not for a year or two. You can't afford to disappear too long in our digital age of attention economics since it will take a lot more effort and money to recapture the interest you would have otherwise retained by keeping a frequent release schedule.

Obsessing Over Useless Playlists

Sitting next to a group of musicians on a playlist who are more well-known and well-liked than you might indicate to Spotify that while people listen to your songs passively, they aren't really getting into them. This does not imply that creating a user-generated playlist for your playlist résumé can't be successful. Just don't get too caught up in it since there are times when doing so might lead to making incorrect decisions that don’t relate to your music.

Disregarding Spotify's Tools

Despite how simple it is to become verified with Spotify for Artists, many artists still have blank-looking accounts.

Although we are unsure if this "mistake" will actually harm the algorithmic performance of your song, we can say that from the viewpoint of a playlister or potential fan, it's not good. You don't want the party to appear to have finished long ago or, worse still, to have never begun if someone shows up. Therefore, create a unique profile and use the tools!

Final Thoughts

Bots and phony streams destroy your chances of being featured in Spotify's highly sought-after algorithmic playlists. Since your streams don't originate from actual people, there isn't any genuine human interaction or behavior to suggest the music is good, so it is excluded.

Don't worry too much about what playlist you're on or how many streams you received last month; keep your attention on creating excellent work and getting to know your existing followers. Success is just around the corner if your audience is passionate about your work.